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About us

Catherine Wolthuizen

Catherine has experience in leadership positions across utilities, financial services and professional services.

Prior to joining EWOV, Catherine was the Customer Advocate at NAB, working in a senior role with the Board and Executive of one of Australia’s largest organisations. She has a track record of leadership in Australia and the UK, with a particular focus on dispute resolution and fair outcomes in regulated markets. Catherine held the position of Ombudsman at the UK Financial Ombudsman Service for seven years and led that organisation’s systemic issues and external engagement function. She has also held positions as Board Director of the Australian Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, Panel Member at the Australian Financial Services Ombudsman, Chair of the Economic Abuse Reference Group and is a current Board Director of the Victorian Legal Services Board.

Catherine Wolthuizen

The EWOV Limited Board is responsible for the business affairs and property of the company, including corporate governance, budget setting, risk management, strategic planning, appointing the Ombudsman and ensuring the Ombudsman's independence.

The Board is made up of:

  • Directors appointed by our industry members
  • Directors appointed from groups representing customers of electricity, gas or water services or raising public interest issues relevant to electricity, gas or water services
  • An independent Chairperson.

Paul Sheahan AM

Chairperson, appointed November 2014

Made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2014, Paul Sheahan has considerable executive knowledge as a board member and was previously the President of the Melbourne Cricket Club.

A former Australian test cricketer, Paul has held the positions of Headmaster at both Melbourne Grammar and Principal at The Geelong College.

Paul is also a Board Member of DrinkWise Australia Pty Ltd and Tanglin Trust School Australia Pty Ltd.

Paul Sheahan 3

Lauren Solomon

Consumer Director, appointed July 2021

Lauren has worked in public policy and research for over fifteen years in the not-for-profit, corporate, and government sectors, including as CEO of the Consumer Policy Research Centre from 2017-2021.

Lauren holds a Bachelor of Resource Economics (Hons) from the University of Sydney, a Graduate Diploma in Psychology at Monash University and has undertaken further study in behavioural economics at the London School of Economics, the Executive Program for Non-profit Leaders at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership.

Passionate about the people side of essential markets, Lauren supports cross-sectoral collaboration, diversity of thought, and advocates for the inclusion of people with lived experience when tackling complex policy issues.

Lauren Solomon 4

Jonathan Briskin

Industry Director, appointed August 2014

Jonathan Briskin is the Executive General Manager, Origin Energy and Director of Octopus Energy. Jon leads Origin Energy’s teams responsible for energy sales, marketing, product development and service experience for Origin’s customers. Jon has held various roles leading customer operations, service transformation and customer experience redesign.

Jonathan Briskin 5

Eugenio (Gino) Fragapane

Industry Director, appointed October 2015

Gino Fragapane is one of AGL’s Senior Leaders and has over 25 years of experience in the Australian utilities sector.

Gino has a comprehensive understanding of energy markets, with a strong background in finance, and operations leadership.

Eugenio Fragapane 1

Dona Tantirimudalige

Industry Director, appointed August 2022

Dona Tantirimudalige was appointed Managing Director, Westernport Water in September 2021.

Dona is an experienced leader within the Victorian water industry and has a strong passion for the role of the public sector in creating a fair and just society.

Dona has ten years of experience as a Board Director and 25 years of experience across both metropolitan and regional settings in the water industry with experience in strategic planning, customer experience, and the asset life cycle. Dona is the current Chair of South-East Monash Legal Services, past Chair of Women’s Health in the South East, and is a past president of and remains on the board of the Institute of Water Administrators.

Dona is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, holds a Masters in Public Policy & Management and a Bachelor of Engineering (civil – honours).

Dona Tantirimudalige

Kay Dilger

Consumer Director, appointed August 2022

Kay was the Head of Financial Wellbeing at South East Community Links for almost 11 years, and grew the service to be the largest provider of financial counselling services in diverse communities in Victoria. A financial counsellor and advocate for 20 years, Kay brings direct insights of how energy issues impact on people with low incomes. Kay served as Secretary of the Financial & Consumer Rights Council (now FCVic) for six years and as a Director of Financial Counselling Australia for eight years.

Kay Dilger

Stephanie Tonkin

Consumer Director, appointed August 2022

Stephanie Tonkin is CEO of Consumer Action Law Centre.

She started her career in public law at a large firm, and for over a decade since, has worked in the community legal and consumer sectors, focusing on systemic and integrated service responses to family violence, mortgage stress and vulnerability.

Steph sits on a broad range of industry and government advisory committees including the National Anti-Scam Centre Advisory Board and ASIC Consumer Advisory Panel.

Stephanie Tonkin

Scott Russell

Industry Director, appointed April 2024

Scott has 25 years’ experience in the corporate and consulting sectors delivering customer functions. He is passionate about service organisations working with customers and communities to improve customer outcomes and the customer experience.

Scott is the General Manager, Corporate Affairs, Customer and Strategy Group for CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy which he joined in 2013.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) and a Postgraduate Diploma of Finance from the University of Melbourne.
Scott Russell

Mark Wakeham

Consumer Director, appointed August 2023

Mark Wakeham is an experienced board director, CEO and changemaker.

He has held leadership roles in the Australian environment and union movements including as CEO of Environment Victoria. He currently works as the Australian Program Director for the Sunrise Project and is a Board Director of Sustainability Victoria

Mark has deep expertise on climate, energy and sustainability issues, systems and solutions.

Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts (History) and Commerce (Economics) and a Graduate Diploma in Adult Education. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2020 to study fast and fair energy transitions.

Mark Wakeman

Nicole McCutcheon

Company Secretary, appointed December 2023